this website is running out of gas, and all your anti-jw comments here are useless and have no effect at all. you don't qualify to wage war on jw because first of all you guys are BROKE! and you don't have powers of any sort! bluntly you guys are not equipped at all.
I actually do pretty well for myself, financially. Now, as for 'beating my chest,' I think I pointed out that the work at my particular church is less than adequate...but we try. I wish we could do more. I might also point out that there are many secular organizations (Red Cross, United Way, Volunteers of Am) who also do great work.
You still haven't proclaimed yourself to be a JW, but you're quite the defender of the faith. The only problem is, that your spelling, grammar, incoherency, and seemingly hateful attitude towards anyone who questions the JW faith, doesn't help your cause. In fact, you're embarrasing yourself, and other, more reasonable JWs who might visit this site. The very fact that you haven't proclaimed yourself to be a JW, while defending them so voraciously, would indicate to me, that you are conflicted. Again, Jehovah knows your heart, as welll as your mingling with 'apostates' on this site.